What does it mean to be a good friend and a good man, is it made from pancakes, the homemade ones with jam, the so-called "village pancakes" or the city pancakes with Nutella cream, the so-called "city pancakes"? What does it mean to "say something to someone's face", is it allowed to run away from school, from classes - even to the library and the theatre, why are invented words like "the greatestest people" important and who is allowed to invent them, how to easily find Svrljig which is on the way to China, to the left of the traffic lights, but also how to treat "multi-ailments" and whether grades A can be bought - is this possible if you go to yoga with a snail and a centipede?
Well, all this was discussed today at the Novi Sad Theater Festival, as part of the promotion of the exceptional children's book "Perfect Day", written by the even more exceptional poet Duško Domanović. The discussion was loud and courageous and the children were attentive listeners and true collaborators in questioning true values.
The day was truly perfect!
Well done for the poet, and even “well doner” for the children!