Hic sunt - four Czech She-dragons

Hic sunt - four Czech She-dragons

Four Czech female artists - dragons, from Malovice, Czech Republic, on the third evening of the festival, revealed to us hitherto unseen expanses of human creativity. In the play of Sara Bokini, Katerina Shobanova, Lyudmila Jeshutova and Diana Kvaja, artistically condensed by the director Pavel Štraurač, nothing resembled the everyday life.
Combining physical theater with object animation and visual theater principles brought a touch of some bizarre grotesque magic and absurdity that we didn't have the opportunity to see in our country, at least not on the theater stage, since it is, admittedly, present in everyday life.
After the play, they said that the play was created in a multi-month process that began with detailed, almost three-month research. By the time the whole thing came together, another two months had passed. They said that it was important for them to be accurate, so that what they found as flexible material found the right place on the stage - in them, and between them, during the creative process itself.
Since there is a lot of physical theater, it was also important not to hurt each other. In that sense, trust was crucial. Only when you feel safe on stage can you be creative, all four agreed. When asked if during the work process they learned something new about the female energy that exudes the play, they said that the fragility of the colors of the female energy was a new discovery for them, that flamboyance is what helped them get to know each other better during the process, but also themselves.
They also discovered that at every moment of the process of creating the play "Hic sunt dracones" they had to know which one was in which emotional and physical state.
Although the performance is entirely female and, according to the feeling of many viewers, it celebrates the principle of femininity, it is written by a man - Pavel Štaurač, while the music, which is normally performed live on the stage in the Czech Republic (not the case for this performance), is also played by a man, Pavel Štaurač.

Snežana MIletić

Foto: Milana MIlovanov