Sunday, May 14 2023 at 6.00 p.m, Big Stage
City Puppet Theater Rijeka
The play is recommended for audiences over the age of 6
Author: Tamara Kučinović
Director: Tamara Kučinović
Total design: Alena Pavlović
Music: Ivan Đula and Luka Vrbanić
Cast: Tilen Kožamelj, Damir Orlić, David Petrović, Petra Šarac, Andrea Špindel
The performance FROZEN SONG talks about the breaking down of language, time, and space differences that disappear with every atom of friendship and love, which in their crazy simplicity break down even slightly bigger barriers than language ones, which are those created by a broken heart and mistrust. The love and children's persistent imagination of a strange boy will win the heart of a girl who thought she would never open her mouth to smile again.
The creation of the play was inspired by the stories of THE FROZEN SONG by Stjepan Grigorjević Pisahov, a Russian writer and artist who managed to translate life in the cold regions of Russia into a funny, artistically expressive, poetic and life-filled book full of fairy tales and touching fictions that speak mostly about the beauty of human life. The poetics of the play relies on Pisahov in his effort to reach the most important thing with artistry and simplicity, which is the possibility of life in impossible situations. Therefore, in this poetic world, life is reduced to the reality of existence and the possibility of living.