Friday, May 12 2023 at 11:00 a.m., Big Stage

Theater "Boško Buha", Belgrade, Serbia

The play is recommended for audiences over the age of 5

Author: Milena Depolo
Director: Đurđa Tešić
Costume design: Zora Mojsilović
Stage design: Isidora Spasić
Music: Vladimir Pejković
Cast: Milica Sužnjević, Mia Jovanović, Uroš Jovčić, Nemanja Oliverić, Boba Latinović, Jelena Trkulja, Branislav Platiša

Johanna Spiri wrote her most famous work in 1881, during the Franco-Prussian War to entertain and comfort the wounded and refugees during those difficult times. As soon as it appeared, the story of Heidi, with its freshness and loveliness, introduced something new to children's literature - vitality, inspiration and a sense of freedom.

The author of the dramatization, Milena Depolo, and the director, Đurđe Tešić, telling the story of the most famous girl from the Swiss Alps and her friends in contemporary theatrical language, but preserving the original wisdom and beauty. Through the play of the seven actors, children will see that extraordinary heroine Heidi, who provide help where it is needed, and spreads a smile and joy that we may miss the most.